Trying is the excuse holding you back—commit fully or stay stuck in mediocrity.
“Do or do not. There is no try.”
This isn’t just a phrase. It’s a challenge. A line drawn in the sand that says you’re either all in or you’re standing still. It’s not motivational fluff. It’s reality, raw and unfiltered. The idea of trying? That’s the excuse we whisper to ourselves when we’re too scared to go all in, risk failing, and face the pain of falling short. Trying is a lie. It’s the cushion that softens the blow of not giving everything we’ve got.
Let’s strip it down to the truth. When you say you’re “trying,” what are you actually doing? Are you fully committed? Are you waking up early, putting in the hours, and bleeding for the thing you claim to want? Or are you dipping your toes in, testing the water, and waiting for the perfect moment to dive? Here’s the truth: there is no perfect moment.
Trying doesn’t cut it because trying isn’t committing. It’s hedging your bets. It’s saying, “If I fail, I can at least say I tried.” But what does that get you? Nothing. No results. No growth. No change. Trying is treading water in a sea where only swimmers survive.
If you want something—really want it—then you need to commit. No hesitation. No fallback plan. Commit so fully that there’s no room for doubt. That’s the difference between the people who achieve their goals and the ones who sit on the sidelines, watching and wishing.
And here’s the kicker: commitment is going to hurt. It’s supposed to hurt. Discipline is the grind. It’s dragging yourself out of bed when your body is screaming at you to stay. It’s showing up when every part of you is begging for a break. It’s pushing through failure after failure because failure is part of the process. Discipline isn’t easy. It’s not meant to be. It’s meant to make you better.
So, how do you build that kind of discipline? Brick by brick. Decision by decision.
Start by setting your goals. Not vague ones. Not “I want to get in shape” or “I want to do better at work.” Get specific. Know exactly what you’re fighting for. Do you want to lose 20 pounds in three months? Write it down. Do you want to hit a promotion by the end of the year? Spell it out. Clarity isn’t optional. It’s non-negotiable.
Then, make your battle plan. It’s not a pretty list of things you might do if the stars align. It’s a plan—a real plan—step by step. Break your goal into manageable chunks and know what you’re doing every single day to move closer to it.
Now comes the hard part: execution. This is where most people fall apart because this is where it gets real. No more talk, no more excuses, no more telling yourself you’ll start tomorrow. Tomorrow is a lie. It doesn’t exist. There’s only today. Do the work—every single day.
And when it sucks? When you’re tired, beaten, and ready to quit? That’s when you lean in. That’s where the magic happens. Growth doesn’t come from comfort. Strength isn’t born from ease. You don’t level up when things are easy. You level up when it’s hard as hell, and you show up anyway.
People talk about failure like it’s the enemy. It’s not. Failure is the teacher that pushes you forward if you let it. Every time you fall, you learn. Every setback is a lesson, a moment to adjust and refine your approach. But you only learn from failure if you get back up. That’s the rule. You fall, you rise. No exceptions. Every single time.
Let’s be clear. This mindset—this way of life—it’s not for everyone. Not everyone is willing to let go of the safety net that trying provides. Not everyone is ready to face the harsh reality that success demands full commitment. And that’s fine. But if you’re reading this, something tells me you’re not like everyone else. Something tells me you’re ready to stop lying to yourself about what you’re capable of.
So here’s the deal: no more “I’m trying.” No more “I’ll see how it goes.” You’re either in, or you’re out. Pick a side. Commit or quit. There is no middle ground. Not in this fight. Not in life. Not in anything worth having.
This isn’t about perfection. You don’t need to be perfect. You need to be consistent. You need to wake up every day, look yourself in the mirror, and decide that today, no matter how hard it gets, you’re going to do the work. That’s it. Day by day. Choice by choice. That’s how discipline is built.
So I’ll ask you again: what’s it going to be? Will you commit? Will you stop hiding behind the lie of trying and step into the arena, ready to bleed for what you want? Or will you keep treading water, stuck in the safety of mediocrity? The choice is yours. But make no mistake: it’s a choice. You don’t stumble into greatness. You fight for it. You claw your way toward it.
Stop trying. Start doing. Because in the end, the only thing that matters is whether you did the damn thing or you didn’t.
Stay disciplined. Stay resilient.
Jim Lunsford
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