Left lane drivers are breaking the law and risking lives—are you one of them?
Driving the highways and interstates of Indiana, I see it constantly—drivers sitting in the left lane, oblivious or willfully ignoring their responsibility to move over. Honestly? It pisses me off. This isn’t just an inconvenience; it’s dangerous, selfish, and illegal. Let me say it louder for the folks in the back: the left lane is not your personal cruising zone.
Indiana’s left lane law isn’t new. It’s been around since 2015. Yet, some drivers act like they’ve never heard of it. The law is simple: the left lane is for passing. Not for sightseeing. Not for asserting your opinion on how fast others should drive. Not for zoning out while the rest of us sit behind you, wondering why you’re blocking traffic like some kind of self-appointed speed enforcer. Staying in the left lane when you’re not actively passing is a violation of state law. Not a suggestion. Not a “nice-to-do.” It’s the law.
Think about what happens when you plant yourself in the left lane. You’re not just an annoyance; you’re a hazard. Traffic piles up behind you. People start taking risks—tailgating, weaving, passing on the right—all because you decided your comfort outweighs everyone else’s safety. You’re creating chaos because you think the rules don’t apply to you. Spoiler alert: they do.
Let’s talk about what this really is: entitlement. You sitting in the left lane tells every other driver, “I don’t care about the rules. I don’t care about your time. I’m doing what I want.” You’re turning the road into your playground, and that arrogance puts lives at risk. Lives. Think about that the next time you decide you’re entitled to sit in the passing lane because you feel like it.
And don’t give me that “but I’m driving the speed limit” nonsense. The law doesn’t care. The left lane isn’t about how fast you think people should be driving. It’s about flow. It’s about keeping traffic moving efficiently and safely. When you block the left lane, you’re disrupting that flow. You’re forcing drivers to make dangerous moves they shouldn’t have to make, all because you couldn’t be bothered to follow a basic rule.
The Indiana State Troopers don’t pull people over for kicks. When they ticket you for hogging the left lane, it’s because you’re a problem. You’re breaking a law designed to keep traffic moving smoothly. And if you think you’re above getting a ticket, think again. A fine, a mark on your record, and the humiliation of being pulled over—those are the least of your worries. The real cost comes if your behavior causes an accident. That’s on you.
You know what’s wild? This law shouldn’t even have to exist. It’s basic driving etiquette. Stay right unless you’re passing. How hard is that? Move over when someone’s coming up behind you. Use the left lane to pass, then slide back into the right. It’s not rocket science; it’s common sense. But apparently, common sense isn’t so common on Indiana’s roads.
What gets me the most is the selfishness. We’re all out there trying to get somewhere—work, home, vacation, whatever—and then there’s you, sitting in the left lane like it’s your throne, making everyone else’s life harder. Newsflash: you’re not the main character. The road doesn’t revolve around you. It’s a shared space, and your refusal to follow the rules shows a complete lack of respect for everyone else out there.
Look, I get it. Maybe you didn’t know the law. Maybe you’ve been doing this for years, and no one’s called you out. Consider this your wake-up call. If you’re in the left lane and you’re not passing, you’re wrong. Period. Move over. Don’t make excuses. Don’t double down. Just fix it.
And for those of you who already know better, let’s keep calling it out. Honk. Flash your lights. Do what you need to do (safely, of course) to let these left lane hogs know they’re out of line. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll get the hint.
At the end of the day, this isn’t about nitpicking laws or being overly dramatic. It’s about safety, efficiency, and respect. Roads work best when everyone follows the rules. So, if you’re that driver sitting in the left lane right now, do us all a favor: move the hell over.
For those still unclear, here’s the law: Indiana Code Title 9, Motor Vehicles § 9-21-5-9. Go ahead and look it up. Ignorance isn’t an excuse anymore. Now you know. And if you choose to keep hogging the left lane? Well, then, you’re just proving my point.
Indiana drivers, let’s do better. Let’s keep traffic moving, stay safe, and stop letting selfishness and laziness turn our highways into battlegrounds. The left lane is for passing. Pass, then get over. It’s that simple.
Stay disciplined. Stay resilient.
Jim Lunsford
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